Sunday, July 28, 2013

#4: True Biblical Womanhood

By Dr. Stephen Phinney

Biblical women who profess the Christian life should be modest, sober, silent, and submissive, as it becomes their place. They must be very modest in their apparel, so as not to be bad-mannered, offensive, showy, flashy, or vulgar in their dress. Good works are the best adornment women possess, which are of a great price in God’s sight. Women who profess Christianity should act as true biblical women in all areas of life, including how they dress. For example, instead of spending their money on fine clothes, they must spend it on good works such as: caring for their husbands, children, and community. Women must learn the principles of their faith, grow in Christ, and study the Word. They must not think their gender excuses them from learning what is necessary to work out their Salvation.

Biblical women must be listeners, followers, and obedient. They should not try take authority from their husbands, church leaders, or employers. Why? Because Adam was the first human creation, then God formed Eve out of him. This is one reason women are in subordination to men, as well as dependent upon them. A woman was made for man, to be a helpmate for him. Another reason for her subjection is she was the first to sin against authority. The serpent did not immediately confront Adam---the serpent deceived Eve, first. She was then the first in the act of rebellion. The above mandate was the main consequence of usurping authority.

So, why is a dress code so important for women? It is quite simple—the extensiveness of the guidelines of Christianity. These apply to both women and men, not only to their persons, but also to their dress. Their clothing must be modest, like their design, and the outward way they stand, sit, or move must be modest with all subjection. The way an individual dresses is typically a confession of his/her level of modesty and spiritual humility. The more brazen the dress, the more seductive the attitude—not to mention the openness of temptation it provides for interested onlookers.

Women have always been more vulnerable to the dangers of seductive apparel, so it has been more necessary to caution them in this respect. Since it is an easy thing for a woman to adorn herself with external things, this should give the evidence of her ability to do the same with good works.

Both women and women must accommodate their behaviors and attitudes to their faith. Men and women are to hear and learn of their roles and duties from the Word, not from the modernistic fashionable views of our age and culture. By actively carrying out the roles and guidelines of the Word, we are actually demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most importantly, we are demonstrating the function of Christ and His Bride.

As we profess our Christianity to the world, it is our responsibility to demonstrate Godly decency and respect of the Gospel through our clothing and gestures, in looks and speech, and in all of our manners. It is because of this that we reveal the inward principles and habits of true holiness, influence, and an order for the generations to come.

NEXT: Men of Authority

True Biblical Womanhood Copyright © 2013 IOM America. Permission to reproduce for educational purposes. Please keep author’s name intact.

All Scriptures, unless otherwise stated, are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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